Just call me Ann. I’m a wife, a mom of two littles, and a paper craft enthusiast.

I really find my inner peace in making paper crafts, so I decided to leave my corporate job and become a full-time blogger at DreamyPosy.

Some people pm to ask me about this decision. That was really a hard time for me and I kept praying to God and the Lord. The Lords answered my prayers, guided me this way, and strengthened me to overcome the difficulties.

The mission of DreamyPosy.com is to encourage, empower, and inspire everyone in their pursuit of being creative and peaceful. 

Initially, I love to design all my tutorials and templates for free, and I can make money from ads only. But after a while, I found that my designs were shared everywhere, some people even stole and sold them on Etsy, and I couldn’t earn my living. So I decided to sell my new designs at a very reasonable price, while the old ones are still free forever. That’s how this shop is born.

When you purchase my digital templates, you are directly supporting my creative endeavors. Your purchase provides me with the necessary resources to create more freebies and better creations in the future.

I know papercraft is pricey, so let’s start with very simple household materials like printer paper, coffee filter or facial tissue, cardstock…

Let me tell you about my first paper flower: it was so awful that I did not show it to anyone else, lol. Luckily I did not give up, just kept practicing and learning from the failure. The second flower was much better. And now I still have to practice several times before shooting my tutorials to ensure the best technique I can find.

So if you are here, I hope that you will stick around to enrich your craft ideas.

I’m sure that YOU CAN MAKE ALL OF THESE CRAFTS. All you need is patience.

I would really appreciate if you leave your comment and request on my blog or find me on Youtube, Facebook, Pinterest,  Instagram.

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